Study : RNASequencing of nf-yc, hy5, and nf-yc hy5 mutants during photomorphogenic growth in Arabidopsis thaliana.
RNASequencing of nf-yc, hy5, and nf-yc hy5 mutants during photomorphogenic growth in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Purpose: The purpose of this RNA Sequencing project was to investigate the transcriptional regulatory relationship between NF-YC3/4/9 and HY5 Methods: Total RNA was isolated, and then poly-A purified. 100ng of starting RNA was used to generate RNASeq libraries using the NEXTflex Illumina qRNA-Seq Library Prep Kit, and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq2500 machine. Results: NF-YC3/4/9 and HY5 have both shared and independent regulatory targets. Overall design: mRNA profiles of 7-day old Wild Type (WT), nf-yc triple (Q3), hy5, and nf-yc triple hy5 (Q3hy5) seedlings grown in continuous white light were generated from two biological replicates through paired end deep sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq2500 platform.
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