Study : Agave amica Transcriptome or Gene expression


Agave amica Transcriptome or Gene expression
<![CDATA[Polianthes tuberosa(Tuberose) is a native of Mexico and one of the earliest cultivated plants and and it spread to different partsof the world. Polianthes tuberosa is commercially popular because of their economic importance in floriculture for cut flowersand looseflowers and in perfume industry because of the unique fragrance produced by these flowers.The fragrance of tuberoserepresentssensuality and is used in aromatherapy for its ability to calm the nerves and to induce positive thoughts of joy,peace and happiness. In the present study,we used Illumina sequencing to perform a de novo assembly of the tuberose RNA-seq.A total of 10Gb of high quality reads were assembled using velvet-oasis pipeline. We obtained 7,887 unigenes, which was furtherannotated using blast2go and kegg pathways were also assigned.Our study provides abundant genomic data for tuberose and offerscomprehensive sequence resources for studying it. We believethat these transcriptome datasets will serve as an important public
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