Study : Carthamus tinctorius x Carthamus persicus strain:RIL_01 Raw sequence reads
Carthamus tinctorius x Carthamus persicus strain:RIL_01 Raw sequence reads
A population of 6th generation RILs from a cross between Carthamus tinctorius (cv AC Sunset PI 592391) and Carthamus palaestinus (PI 235663) was generated for creation of a genetic map of safflower. The individual RIL lines were sequenced using Illumina Hi-Seq to create 100 bp paired-end sequencing reads. The resulting sequences were mapped back to a draft safflower genome assembly using Bowtie 2, and SNPs were processed using SAMtools. The resulting SNPs were used to create a 2,008,196 locus genetic map of safflower. This research is presented in the paper: “Genetic mapping of millions of SNPs in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) via whole genome re-sequencing” submitted to the journal G3 for publication with an expected publication date in 2016.
Accession number | Name | Taxon |