Study : Aquilaria sinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression

Aquilaria sinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression
A five-year-old Aquilaria sinensis induced by formic acid was chosen, and the white wood part, transition part of agarwood and white wood, agarwood part were collected to perform the transcriptome sequencing. 54,685,634 clean reads were obtained with Q20 value of 97.45%, which assembled into 83,467 unigenes. A total of 50,565 unigenes were annotated in Database of Nr, Nt, Swissprot, KEGG, COG and GO. 171, 33, 1352 unigenes were annotated by pathways of terpenoid backbone biosynthesis (ko00900), sesquiterpenoid and triterpenoid pathway (ko00909) and plant-pathogen interaction (ko03040), these pathways are related to the defensive responses to wounding and the production of sequiterpenoid.
Data files
Accession number | Name | Taxon |