Study : Triticum aestivum cultivar:Chinese spring Raw sequence reads

Triticum aestivum cultivar:Chinese spring Raw sequence reads
Flag leaf is of paramount importance in determining the grain yield ability of wheat. Compared with other leaves, flag leaf contributed the most photosynthates (41-43%) to the grain. And Leaf senescence is essential for wheat productivity as well. As leaf senesces, nutrients are relocated to the sinks, such as nitrogen, metals, etc. Up to 75% of the reduced nitrogen in leaves is located in chloroplasts. However, the relationship between flag leaf photosynthesis, the timing of senescence, and grain filling has not been clear yet. To aid a better molecular understanding of the post-anthesis flag leaf and also provide an invaluable resource for identification of genes that involved in senescence, the transcriptome of post-anthesis flag leaf was studied over an irregular time course.
Accession number | Name | Taxon |