Study : Coccinia grandis de novo transcriptome to understand sex expression and modification

Coccinia grandis de novo transcriptome to understand sex expression and modification
Coccinia grandis, a dioecious curcurbit has a unique natural gynomonoecious form (GyM) bearing morphologically hermaphrodite flowers (GyM-H) with sterile pollens. Silver nitrate induces stamen development in female plants, leading to the formation of morphologically hermaphrodite flowers (Ag-H). We have carried out a comprehensive RNA-Seq study from early-staged male (M), female (F), GyM-H and Ag-H as well as middle-staged male and GyM-H flower buds from Coccinia grandis. These data were used to assemble a de novo transcriptome for C. grandis flower buds. Differentially expressed genes were identified between various sexual phenotypes to understand the molecular mechanism behind sex determination, differentiation and modification in C. grandis.
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