Study : Camellia oleifera cultivar:Changlin No.4 Raw sequence reads


Camellia oleifera cultivar:Changlin No.4 Raw sequence reads
With the increasing demand for healthy edible oil, the output of camellia oil cannot meet requirements of market. Increasing the yield and adjusting characters of camellia oil are the major challenges for oil-tea Camellia industry. The oleic acid is over 87 percent and unsaturated FA content nearly 90% in the camellia oil, which suggests that many key genes might have important functions in fatty acid biosynthesis and oil accumulation. To identify features specific to high oil content and healthy FA composition in C.oleifera seed, we generated amount of transcripts for four development stages of C.oleifera seed. The focus of this comparative analysis was to gain insight into factors responsible for oil accumulation and fatty acid composition regulation in C.oleifera seed. In addition, a better understanding of oil accumulation and fatty acid composition regulation may present strategies for engineering.


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