Study : Setaria italica Raw sequence reads


Setaria italica Raw sequence reads
To identify QTLs (quantitative trait locus) associated with agronomy traits in foxtail millet, a F2 population of 543 plants from the cross between Aininghuang and Jingu 21 was used to construct a high density linkage map based on RAD-seq and to map QTLs for 12 various agronomy traits: Number of tillers (NT), panicle neck length (PNL), plant height (PH), panicle length (PL), panicle diameter (PD), first internode diameter (FID), second internode diameter (SID), panicle weight (PW), thousand grain weight (TGW), grain weight (GW), hull color(HC) and panicle type (PT). The map contained 3129 Bin markers from 48790 SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) spanning 1460.996 cM. A total of 63 QTLs containing eight QTLs for PD, PNL and PT, seven QTLs for PH, six QTLs for NT and PW, five QTLs for TGW and HC, four QTLs for SID and GW, two QTLs for FID, respectively, explaining 0.38-30.52 % of phenotypic variation (PV), were detected on 9 chromosomes using Composite Interval Mapping (CIM), and surprisingly, none QTL for PL was detected. Among them, five major QTLs explaining ≥10 % of PV containing qPH5-2 for PH, qPD5-2 for PD, qPW5-1 for PW, and qHC7-1 and qHC7-2 for HC were detected, and other 58 QTLs could explain 0.38-9.82 % of PV. In addition, we argued that the candidategenes for the five major QTLs. These results suggested that it was effective to mapping QTL by RAD-seq using larger F2 population and this paper offered valuable insights into the genetic basis of quantitative traits in foxtail millet.


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