Study : Populus nigra Genotype-x-Drought, UGOE dataset


Populus nigra Genotype-x-Drought, UGOE dataset
This study, as part of the GxD experiment of T1.1 in the project WATBIO, investigates 3 Populus nigra genotypes at different levels of drought stress under tightly controlled environmental conditions. Non-destructive measurements of photosynthesis, water use, and water status will be conducted in addition to NMR for water flux and innovative volatile measurements and leaf turgor. Leaves, developing xylem, and roots will be harvested for transcriptome (RNA-Seq), phosphoproteome and metabolome analyses, as well as for analyses of secondary metabolites, LOX, oxidative stress markers and phytohormones. Carbohydrates, carbon discrimination (13C) and amino acids will also be determined. Wood properties (anatomy, chemical composition, saccharification) will be measured. This data set comprises RNAseq data from leafs and fine roots of 12 week old plants from three different ecotypes after 5 weeks of drought treatment and control conditions.


Accession number Name Taxon