Study : Strategies for the adaptation of crop plants to climate change - Improving cold tolerance of maize (BayKlimaFit)


Strategies for the adaptation of crop plants to climate change - Improving cold tolerance of maize (BayKlimaFit)
The enormous diversity of maize is reflected by a large number of SNPs and substantial structural variation. To remedy the scarcity of sequence resources for the Flint pool, a reference sequence was generated de novo from inbred line EP1. The EP1 reference sequence complements the maize pan-genome with European Flint diversity. The Plant Breeding Group (Technical University of Munich) and the Plant Genome and Systems Biology Group (Helmholtz Zentrum München) in collaboration with MaizeGDB have released a version of the EP1 maize genome prior to scientific publication in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Toronto Agreement for prepublication data sharing (Nature. 2009 461:168). The above groups reserve the first right to publish on the available EP1 data, including but not limited to whole-genome comparisons, genes, structural annotations, functional annotations, and genome-wide association studies, and to improve the sequence and its annotations. Under the Toronto agreement, researchers can use the sequence to study individual or small sets of genes and localized regions of the genome. Any redistribution of these data should include the full text of the data use policy.


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