Study : Mesembryanthemum crystallinum isolate:JCC01 | cultivar:Common Ice plant Genome sequencing and assembly


Mesembryanthemum crystallinum isolate:JCC01 | cultivar:Common Ice plant Genome sequencing and assembly
The common ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L., Azoaceae, Caryophyllales) is an important halophytic and facultative crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) model in which CAM can be induced by salinity or water-deficit stress. To improve our understanding of molecular genetic basis of CAM, water-use efficiency, and salinity tolerance in plants, a high-quality, annotated genome assembly was generated for ice plant using two different genome sequencing platform, Illumina and PacBio, and resulting in a depth of coverage of 254X and 90X. We assembled the PacBio reads with SMRTanalysis. Illumina mate-pair reads used for scaffolding with the resulting assemblies. To improve the accuracy and completeness of the genome assembly, Illumina paired end reads were used to polish resulting scaffold. The polished assembly was used for BioNano Genomics Irys® single-molecule next-generation mapping (NGM) to improve the quality of the genome assembly. This high-quality draft genome assembly will enable the identification of all genes required for the operation of CAM and for the adaptation of this halophytic species to salinity stress conditions, comparative CAM genomics efforts, and CAM biodesign projects aimed at introducing the improved WUE of CAM into crop plants.


Accession number Name Taxon