Study : DNA methylation variation in Arabidopsis has a genetic basis and appears to be involved in local adaptation


DNA methylation variation in Arabidopsis has a genetic basis and appears to be involved in local adaptation
We investigated DNA methylation variation in Swedish Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. We found that methylation of transposable elements is temperature sensitive and associated with genetic polymorphism in both cis and trans, whereas gene body methylation is associated with genetic polymorphism in trans. Additionally, complementary RNA-Seq data for the Arabidopsis accessions were used to correlate methylation changes with gene expression across environments. Overall design: mRNA-sequencing (mRNA-Seq) of 160 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions grown at 10 C and 163 grown at 16 C. The source tissue for RNA collection was whole rosette at the 9-leaf stage.


Accession number Name Taxon
App1-16 Arabidopsis thaliana
Sku-30 Arabidopsis thaliana
TAA 03 Arabidopsis thaliana
TDr-17 Arabidopsis thaliana
TDr-18 Arabidopsis thaliana
TEDEN 02 Arabidopsis thaliana
TEDEN 03 Arabidopsis thaliana
TGR 02 Arabidopsis thaliana
TNY 04 Arabidopsis thaliana
TOM 01 Arabidopsis thaliana
TOM 03 Arabidopsis thaliana
TOM 04 Arabidopsis thaliana
TOM 06 Arabidopsis thaliana
Tos-82 Arabidopsis thaliana
Tos-95 Arabidopsis thaliana