Study : We included 85 samples of species of Bursera (4 species) and Commiphora (81 samples), which are angiosperm taxa in the frankincense and myrrh family, Burseraceae (Sapindales). These taxa were selected for a comparative phylogenetics study to explore


We included 85 samples of species of Bursera (4 species) and Commiphora (81 samples), which are angiosperm taxa in the frankincense and myrrh family, Burseraceae (Sapindales). These taxa were selected for a comparative phylogenetics study to explore


Accession number Name Taxon
01VIII2301 Bursera spinescens Not collected
02XII0901 Bursera tecomaca Not collected
10II1201 Commiphora arafy Not collected
10II1301 Commiphora arafy Not collected
10II1302 Commiphora mafaidoha Not collected
10II1305 Commiphora fraxinifolia Not collected
10II1405 Commiphora sp. L MRG-2015 Not collected
10II1406 Commiphora sp. L MRG-2015 Not collected
10II1407 Commiphora arafy Not collected
10II1411 Commiphora sp. L MRG-2015 Not collected
10II1412 Commiphora cf. leandriana MG-2015 Not collected
10II1413 Commiphora sp. 10II1413 Not collected
10II1414 Commiphora cf. leandriana MG-2015 Not collected
10II1415 Commiphora grandifolia Not collected
10II1502 Commiphora sp. 10II1502 Not collected
10II1504 Commiphora marchandii Not collected