Study : Sorghum bicolor cultivar:PI533962 Raw sequence reads


Sorghum bicolor cultivar:PI533962 Raw sequence reads
Sorghum accession with high yield and low leaf temperature was chosen for the study and the seeds were subjected to 150mM salt and 15% PEG induced drought stress for 36h. 3 barcoded miRNASeq libraries were produced from leaf and root tissues, one from each treatment (control, drought and salt stressed). The leaf and root samples were pooled in equal concentration to reduce the number of libraries. All libraries were sequenced using Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform to generate 50bp single end reads. Quality of reads was assessed and improved using several tools. The reads from the Sorghum bicolor sample was analyzed using miRDeep2 to identify expressed miRNA (already annotated in miRBase) and novel miRNAs. The targeted gene information was generated using psRNATarget. Statistical analysis, including count normalization and differential expression was performed with edgeR using accession grouped leaf temperature, yield, condition (drought/salt stressed or control) and sample type (leaf or root) as factors. Differentially expressed microRNAs under abiotic stress conditions were analyzed further.


Accession number Name Taxon