Study : Potentilla micrantha cultivar:Avala_1 Genome sequencing and assembly


Potentilla micrantha cultivar:Avala_1 Genome sequencing and assembly
Second-generation sequencing has made whole genome and transcriptome sequencing accessible to non-model plant research. As a result, the genome sequences of a growing number of non-model plants are being reported (Wang et al 2012, Shulaev et al 2011, Velasco et al 2010). However, to date, reports of genome sequences and transcriptomes have been descriptive in nature and have not been developed to answer specific biological questions per se. Exploiting the latest high throughput sequencing methodologies, FRUITFUL intends to develop a genome sequence for P. micrantha, following which whole-genome comparative genomics will be performed between F. vesca and P. micrantha in tandem with targeted comparisons of genes in key developmental and regulatory gene pathways. It will identify a set of candidate genes responsible for the genetic basis of fruit development, and will elucidate the function and regulation of these genes through gene expression analyses and transformation studies, leading to a deeper understanding of this trait which is of immense significance to humankind.


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