Study : Mangifera indica L variety Amrapali Transcriptome or Gene expression


Mangifera indica L variety Amrapali Transcriptome or Gene expression
More than 1,000 varieties of mango exist in India today, which contribute 39.5% of the total fruit production in the country. There are 25 major commercial cultivars of mango some of which are highly preferred in the International market.It is grown in almost all the states of India, Andhra Pradesh tops in total production, whereas Uttar Pradesh tops in area. Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Gujarat together contribute about 82% of the total mango production in India. A cross between Dashehari and Neelam resulted in the development of “Amrapali”, a popular dwarf regular bearer variety with small fruit size, good taste and keeping quality. Its flesh is deep orange red and the fruit contains approximately 2.5–3.0 times more β carotene content than other commercial varieties of mango. The average yield is 16 tonnes / hectare, present research on RNA profiling and sequencing from different tissues of mango varieties“Aamrapali” would be helpful in generating genomic resources, which will have tremendous implication on designing future mango breeding strategies.


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