Study : 15 species of Sabal (Arecaceae) plus two outgroups, Dictyosperma album and Bactris major (Arecaceae). Targeted Locus (Loci)
15 species of Sabal (Arecaceae) plus two outgroups, Dictyosperma album and Bactris major (Arecaceae). Targeted Locus (Loci)
To analyze relationships among species of Sabal (Arecaceae), we designed RNA baits complementary to 174 nuclear genes and over 100kb of the plastid genome. These baits were used to selectively pull down and sequence targeted loci, which were then used for phylogenomic analyses. The resulting analyses showed relationships among species of Sabal to be largely related to biogeography of the species. This project validated both wet lab and bioinformatic pipelines for creating and processing high throughput target capture data.