Study : Prunus persica var. persica strain:evergrowing Transcriptome or Gene expression


Prunus persica var. persica strain:evergrowing Transcriptome or Gene expression
Rooted peach cuttings were grown in a greenhouse for two months at 25 °C under long days (LD, 16 h light/8 h dark). Cuttings were derived from wild type individuals in the F2 population described in Jimenez et al. 2010. Plants were transferred to a growth room for two weeks of acclimation under LD, then shifted to SD conditions (8 h light/16 h dark) for two weeks. In the growth room, 250-300 μmol m-2 s-1 of light was provided at canopy height by AgroSun® Gold 1000W sodium/halide lamps (Agrosun Inc, New York, NY, USA). Temperatures averaged 22.5°C (light) to 18.7°C (dark), and relative humidity ranged between 48% and 55%. Plants were watered every two days as needed. At 0, 1, and 2 weeks after the transfer to SD, apical tips (youngest leaves and shoot apical meristems) from eight replicate plants per week were harvested and pooled for RNA extraction. The current project contains six RNAseq samples: wild type at 0,1, and 2 weeks and evergrowing mutant at 0,1, and 2 weeks. The evergrowing mutant does not cease growth in response to short days.


Accession number Name Taxon