Study : Manihot esculenta strain:T200 and TME3 Transcriptome or Gene expression


Manihot esculenta strain:T200 and TME3 Transcriptome or Gene expression
Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) is one of the main biotic and economically important constraints of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivation in southern Africa. South African cassava mosaic virus (SACMV-[Za:99]) in particular is endemic to South Africa. Compatible virus infection induces and suppresses host gene expression at the global level. These gene-expression changes are the molecular basis of symptom development and general stress and defence-like responses of the host.Currently, only limited amounts of expression data are available for geminivirus infection in both model and natural host systems. We performed the first next-generation sequencing (NGS) study using the ABI SOLiD platform to identify gene expression changes associated with disease development and recovery in two cassava (Manihot esculenta) landraces, susceptible T200 and tolerant TME3, induced by SACMV- [ZA:99] infection. Analysis of the SACMV-[ZA:99] infection was carried out at three timepoints (12, 32 and 67 days post inoculation) in T200 and TME3.


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