Study : The DDR complex facilitates the genome-wide association of RNA Polymerase V to promoters and evolutionarily young transposons


The DDR complex facilitates the genome-wide association of RNA Polymerase V to promoters and evolutionarily young transposons
The plant-specific DNA-dependent RNA polymerase V (Pol V) evolved from Pol II to function in an RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway. Here, we have identified targets of Pol V in Arabidopsis thaliana on a genome-wide scale using ChIP-seq of NRPE1, the largest catalytic subunit of Pol V. We found that Pol V is enriched at promoters and evolutionarily recent transposons. This localization pattern is highly correlated with Pol V-dependent DNA methylation and small RNA accumulation. We also show that genome-wide association of Pol V with chromatin is dependent on all members of a putative chromatin-remodeling complex termed DDR. Our study presents the first genome-wide view of Pol V occupancy and sheds light on the mechanistic basis of Pol V localization. Furthermore, these findings suggest a role for Pol V and RNA-directed DNA methylation in genome surveillance and in responding to genome evolution. Overall design: For wild type plants (ecotype Columbia) and nrpe1 mutants whole-genome small RNA (sRNA-seq) and bisulfite sequencing (BS-seq) was performed. In addition whole genome chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP-seq) was performed on wild type (ecotype Columbia) plants as a negative control with experimentals consiting of wild type plants carrying a C-terminally epitope tagged (2XFLAG) NRPE1, as well as the NRPE1-FLAG construct in drd1, dms3, and rdm1 mutant backgrounds.


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