Study : Vitis vinifera Transcriptome or Gene expression

Vitis vinifera Transcriptome or Gene expression
In this study a complete characterization of the STS multigenic family in grapevine has been performed, commencing with the identification, annotation and phylogenetic analysis of all members and integration of this information with a comprehensive set of gene expression analyses including healthy tissues at differential developmental stages and in leaves exposed to both biotic (downy mildew infection) and abiotic (wounding and UV-C exposure) stresses. At least thirty-three full length sequences encoding VvSTS genes were identified, which, based on predicted amino acid sequences, cluster in 3 principal subgroups designated A, B and C. The majority of VvSTS genes cluster in subgroups B and C and are located on chr16 whereas the few gene family members in subgroup A are found on chr10. Microarray and mRNA-seq expression analyses revealed different patterns of transcript accumulation between the different groups of VvSTS family members and between VvSTSs and VvCHSs. Indeed, under certain conditions the transcriptional response of VvSTS and VvCHS genes appears to be diametrically opposed suggesting that flow of carbon between these two competing metabolic pathways is tightly regulated at the transcriptional level. Overall design: Examination of transcriptome profile in Vitis vinifera cv Pinot noir leaf discs pools trated upon biotic and abiotic stresses. 7 samples examined: Control (=wounded 0h), wounded 24h, wounded 48h, UV-C treated 24h, UV-C treated 48h, Plasmopara viticola infected 24h, Plasmopara viticola infected 48h.
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