Study : RNA-Seq of Sorghum bicolor 9d seedlings in response to osmotic stress and abscisic acid


RNA-Seq of Sorghum bicolor 9d seedlings in response to osmotic stress and abscisic acid
This study utilized next generation sequencing technology (RNA-Seq) to examine the transcriptome of sorghum plants challenged with osmotic stress and exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) to elucidate those genes and gene networks that contribute to sorghums tolerance to water-limiting environments with a long-term aim of developing strategies to improve plant productivity under drought. Overall design: We examined the mRNA of 9 day old Sorghum bicolor (BTx623) from 2 tissue types (roots and shoots) for 2 treatments (20µM ABA and 20% PEG) with corresponding controls (0.2M NaOH and H2O) for 27 hrs prior to harvesting, each done in triplicate biological replicates -- resulting in 24 unique runs


Accession number Name Taxon
BTx623 Sorghum bicolor