Study : Identification of the causal gene of gemmaless-type mutants in Marchantia polymorpha


Identification of the causal gene of gemmaless-type mutants in Marchantia polymorpha
A basal land plant liverwort Marchantia polymorpha has an ability to propagate asexually through the development of clonal progenies, gemmae, in the gemma-cups formed on the dorsal side of the vegetative thallus. To investigate the regulatory mechanism rendering gemma development, we focused on mutants, karappo-1 (kar-1) and karappo-2 (kar-2), in which no gemma initial observed in the gemma-cup floor. These two mutants were isolated independently; kar-1 was isolated during the screening of 10,000 T-DNA-tagged lines for morphological phenotypes of gametophyte thallus (Ishizaki et al. 2013), and kar-2 was identified in generation of transgenic lines by physical DNA delivery with particle bombardment protocol (Takenaka et al. 2000). The goal of this study is to identify the causal gene (s) of kar-1 and kar-2 by whole genome sequencing and comparison with the reference genome (Bowman et al. 2017).


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