Study : The identification of miRNAs respond to day-length treatment


The identification of miRNAs respond to day-length treatment
In this expriment, DN42, a soybean cultivar senstive to day-length treatment,was used as the experimental material. The soybean grew in illumination incubator under the most suitable growth conditions until the development of V2. Then the soybean were divided into two groups, no differece exit between the two groups. One was moved to SDs (8h light/16h dark) while the other was moved to LDs (16h light/8h dark), the other grow conditon were the same. The leaf of the soybean were collected at the time point 0h, 8h and 16h at SDs and LDs, liquid nitrogen quick freezing. The total RNA were isolated with Trizol. Six small RNA libraries were constructed and sequenced by the BIOMARKER technolgies.
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Accession number Name Taxon