Germplasm: AKER_12163


Germplasm name
Accession number
PI 658059
Accession synonyms
2009A027, FC1018, PI 658059
(FC709-2 (PI 599668) X C931 (PI 636340)] F3 = 20031018. 20031018 selected for resistance to Cercospora beticola, rhizomania, and for size, shape, and percent sucrose and bulked = 05-FC1018.
FC1018 sugarbeet germplasm is a multigerm sugarbeet population in a fertile cytoplasm, segregating for self-sterility and hypocotyl color. It has good resistance to root-rotting strains (AG-2-2) of Rhizoctonia solani K hn and carries the Rz1 gene, which confers resistance to some strains of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus, the causal agent of rhizomania. FC1018 shows a moderate tolerance to cercospora leaf spot, caused by Cercospora beticola Sacc., to Beet curly top virus, and to Aphanomyces cochlioides Drechsl., which causes aphanomyces root rot (aphanomyces black root). FC1018 has shown favorable yield characteristics when evaluated as a line and a pollinator in experimental hybrids in two trials grown under rhizomania conditions at Salinas in 2006. It is a population from which to select disease-resistant, multigerm pollinator parents.


Presence status
Not maintained


Collecting site


Institute Accession number Distribution status
Germplasm Resources Information Network PI 658059 Extrernal distributor


AKER collection (Base collection)
Collection AKER (Base collection)