Germplasm: AKER_12186


Germplasm name
Accession number
PI 663881
Accession synonyms
7926-11-10-91, CN926-11-10-91, PI 663881
CN926-11-10-91 is a sister line to CN926-11-3-22 (PI 640421) and has a similar history. From rhizomania resistant population 8926, one plant was selfed to produce 9926-11. 9926-11 was found to be partially resistant to sugar beet cyst nematode (SBCN) and selfed. Individual plants of 1926-11-10 were selfed and selected for resistance to SBCN and the S3 2926-11-10-91 produced. This S3 was selfed twice to produce S5 families. The S5 families were evaluated in field tests and two families (5926-11-10-91-550 & -553) were selected, combined, and increased to produce 7826-11-10-91being stored as CN926-11-10-91.
CN926-11-10-91 is similar to CN926-11-3-22 but is unique for a genetic trait that conditions a near ?witches broom? growth on the seed stalks. This condition results in very compact flowering and seed production. Seed yield is very high with good quality. There appears to be no detrimental effects on male and female fertility and pollen production is good. It was not determined how this compact flowering trait is inherited. CN926-11-10-91 is partially resistant to SBCN (Heterodora schachtii) with resistance likely derived from Beta maritima. It is resistant to rhizomania (Rz1) (Beet necrotic yellow vein virus) and biennial (bb), self-fertile (Sf), green hypocotyl (100% rr), and multigerm (MM). It should be nearly homozygous and very uniform. The two S5 lines combined were selected based on field tests where they had high resistance to SBCN, bolting resistance, and high % sugar. It is estimated that CN926-11-10-91 has 2% B. maritima germplasm through C51 (PI 593694). The inheritance of resistance to SBCN has not been determined. CN926-11-10-91 may be of interest in research on the biology and physiology of flowering and seed production as well as combined disease resistance.


Presence status
Not maintained


Collecting site


Institute Accession number Distribution status
Germplasm Resources Information Network PI 663881 Extrernal distributor


AKER collection (Base collection)
Collection AKER (Base collection)