Germplasm: AKER_12149


Germplasm name
Accession number
PI 651522
Accession synonyms
C812-41, PI 651522
C812-41 is increase of one S1 family from C890-2/3 (PI 593702) . Plants from C890-2/3 were randomly selfed and the S1 progenies evaluated for resistance to RB-BNYVV. One progeny called 3812-41 was selected for resistance to RB-BNYVV and increased to produce 6812-41. Plants were increased in 2007 as 7812-41 from which C812-41 was released. C812-41 has germplasm from WB41 (PI 546384) and/or WB42 (PI 546385). Resistance from WB 41 and WB 42 was backcrossed into C37 to create C79-2 (PI 593661) and C79-3 (PI 593662). Resistance to rhizomania from C79-2 and C79-3 was backcrossed into C790 to produce lines C890-2 and C890-3, which were then combined to produce line C890-2/3.
C812-41 is a narrowly based, self-fertile (SfSf) line that segregates at a high frequency for monogermity (M_:mm), O-type, and resistance to resistance-breaking strains of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (RB-BNYVV), the cause of rhizomania in sugarbeet. It is homozygous for red hypocotyls (RR) and at maturity plants often have red striped petioles. It segregates for genetic male sterility (a1a1). The canopy of C812-41 is small and compact with small narrow leaves that are bright green. C812-41 is moderately resistant to powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe betae. It had the same curly top rating in the BSDF nursery at Kimberly, ID as moderately curly-top resistant, monogerm inbreds used in USH11. In a trial at Salinas naturally infected with leaf spot caused by Cercospora beticola, it showed tolerance. C812-41 has not been tested for reaction to other diseases. It has not been tested for combining ability for components of sugar yield. In a greenhouse test in cones with RB-BNYVV soil from Imperial Valley, ELISA values for 6 week old plants were measured. In this completely randomized test with 24 plants for each cultivar, the mean ELISA values were 1.9, 2.2, 2.3, 2.7, 2.8, and 3.0 with LSD(.05) = 0.56 for cultivars Angelina (Rz1+Rz2), BetaG017R (Rz2), C812-41, C37 (rz1rz1), Roberta (rz1rz1), and Beta4430R (Rz1), respectively. Six out of the 24 plants for C812-41 (version 6812-41) had an ELISA value greater than 3.0.


Presence status
Not maintained


Collecting site


AKER collection (Base collection)
Collection AKER (Base collection)