Germplasm: AKER_8485


Germplasm name
Accession number
PI 655306
Accession synonyms
EL-X2, PI 655306
Biological status
EL-X2 (4PS1927) was constructed from a cross between a single male sterile 6869 plant and a single SP6822 pollinator plant. Seed from this cross was planted in an observation nursery and one plant was selected for vigor and selfed. Three roots selected as free from disease and inter-crossed to give rise to the seed from which EL-X2 was selected. EL-X2 serves as a comparison for Aphanomyces tolerance relative to the other releases ELX1, ELX3, and ELX4 that used WB879 or WB185 in their lineage.
EL-X2 has the goal of understanding and broadening the genetic base for Aphanomyces resistance in sugar beet. This line may be useful for a number of basic and applied investigations. In particular, EL-X2 is a sugar beet counterpart to releases EL-X1, EL-X3, and EL-X4 that were developed simultaneously with EL-X2 to examine introgression of Aphanomyces resistance from wild germplasm. In the Betaseed Aphanomyces nursery, the average rating of two Aphanomyces tolerant and two susceptible standards was 2.0 and 7.0, respectively (LSD (0.05)=1.83, average of two late readings), the sugar beet parents SP6822 and 6869 had scores of 1.0 and 5.5, respectively, and EL-X2 scored 4.5.


Presence status
Not maintained


Collecting site


Institute Accession number Distribution status
Germplasm Resources Information Network PI 655306 Extrernal distributor


AKER collection (Base collection)
Collection AKER (Base collection)