Germplasm: AKER_8484


Germplasm name
Accession number
PI 655305
Accession synonyms
EL-X1, PI 655305
Biological status
EL-X1 (4PS1926) was constructed as seed mixture of nine F1 hybrids between a single plant each of WB879 and SP6822. The F1 hybrids were grown in an observation nursery and 30 roots were selected for plant vigor. In the greenhouse all plants were male sterile, and were pollinated with self-fertile 6869. Seed was harvested from individual plants, and nine of these were combined, and selected for Aphanomyces resistance. Seed from selections was increased for release.
WB879, a wild Beta vulgaris spp. maritima accession (PI 540625) collected in 1989 on the coast of Brittany, France, was used as the wild beet donor germplasm in EL-X1. WB879 was used because its potential resistance to Aphanomyces diseases caused by Aphanomyces cochlioides by having a disease score of 1 (resistant) (rating system of 0-9 scale with 0 showing no symptoms and 9 being dead). The average rating of two Aphanomyces tolerant and two susceptible standards was 2.0 and 7.0, respectively (LSD(0.05)=1.83, average of two late readings). The sugar beet parents SP6822 and 6869 had scores of 1.0 and 5.5, respectively, and EL-X1 scored 2.8. EL-X1 contributes to broadening the genetic base for Aphanomyces resistance in sugar beet. This line may be useful for a number of basic and applied investigations.


Presence status
Not maintained


Collecting site


Institute Accession number Distribution status
Germplasm Resources Information Network PI 655305 Extrernal distributor


AKER collection (Base collection)
Collection AKER (Base collection)