Germplasm: M45/66

Small grain cereals BRC


Germplasm name
Accession number
Accession synonyms
FRA051:2732, WW-383
Biological status
Breeder's material
Origin site


Stock center name
Presence status




Institute name Institute code Donation date Accession number Accession PUI
INRAE - Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement FRA015 19670000


Institute Accession number Distribution status
GDEC - UMR Génétique, Diversité et Ecophysiologie des Céréales 4477 Available from Multilateral System (MLS)

Evaluation Data

Growth class
spring | printemps
Plant height (cm)
100 cm
Scale of 1000 kernels weight
intermediate | moyen
Scale of plant height (IPGRI 4.1.2)
intermediate to high | moyen à haut
Wheat awnedness (IPGRI 4.2.3)
awned (<= length of spike) | barbu (<= à la longueur de l'épi)


Breedwheat project collection (Work collection)
Collection blé INRA (INRAE collection)
Collection blé du projet Whealbi (Work collection)
Collection du projet Breedwheat (Work collection)
Core collection blé tendre (Core collection)
Soft wheat core collection (Core collection)
Whealbi project wheat collection (Work collection)
Wheat INRA collection (INRAE collection)


CC Précocité
CC Qualité
TaBW420K V2 BW WP3 Genetic Resources

Cross references

Name Source Type Description
Wheat_Spring_MTA GnpIS Phenotyping study WS2 is a trial lead at site: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Agrartudomanyi Kutatokozpont (lat/long: 47.05/18.133), descri...
Wheat_Winter_INRA GnpIS Phenotyping study WW1 is a trial lead at site: INRA Clermont-Ferrand (lat/long: 45.775/3.1440), described as 'Wheat_Winter_INRA', desig...
Wheat_Winter_KWS GnpIS Phenotyping study WW2 is a trial lead at site: KWS UK (lat/long: 52.120/0.0852), described as 'Wheat_Winter_KWS', designed as follows: ...
Wheat_Winter_TUR GnpIS Phenotyping study WW5 is a trial lead at site: Çukurova University (lat/long: 37.854/32.574), described as 'Wheat_Winter_TUR', designed...
Wheat_Winter_MTA GnpIS Phenotyping study WW3 is a trial lead at site: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Agrartudomanyi Kutatokozpont (lat/long: 47.05/18.133), descri...
Association_Qualité_Clermont-Ferrand_2005-2006 GnpIS Phenotyping study Association_Qualité_Clermont-Ferrand_2005-2006 is a trial lead at site: Clermont-Ferrand (lat/long: 45.773/3.144). Ob...