Germplasm: Mandarine Ougan

Citrus fruits BRC


Germplasm name
Mandarine Ougan
Accession number
SRA 680
Accession synonyms
Ougan, Ou gan, Oukan, Unshu-mikkistu


Stock center name
Presence status


Institute Accession number Distribution status
UE Citrus SRA 680 Available with restrictions

Evaluation Data

Adherence of epicarp to mesocarp
Modérée | Moderate
Adherence of segments to each other
Modérée | Moderate
Average number of embryos per seed
> 2 | > 2
Average number of seeds per fruit
5 - 9 | 5 - 9
Chalazal spot color
Brun | Brown
Color of mesocarp
Blanc | White
Color of open flower
Blanche | White
Color of pulp
Orange | Orange
Cotyledon color
Vert clair | Light green
Cross-section of axis
Ronde | Round
Embryo color
Sans | Absent
Epicarp color
Jaune | Yellow
Fruit axis
Creux | Hollow
Fruit shape
Sphéroïde | Spheroid
Fruit weight
60 - 124 g | 60 - 124 g
Nature of oil glands
Visible | Conspicuous
Number of segments per fruit
10 - 14 | 10 - 14
Petiole wings
Sans | Absent
Presence of areola
Seeds color
Crème | Cream
Shape of apex of fruit
Tronqué | Truncate
Shape of base of fruit
Tronqué | Truncate
Shape of petiole wings
Sans | Absent
Shape of seeds
Claviforme | Clavate
Shape of spines
Absente | Absent
Shape of vesicles
Moyenne | Medium
Size of vesicles
Moyenne | Medium
Stylar scar
Fermée | Closed
Surface of epicarp
Bosselée | Bumpy
Texture of pulp
Ferme | Firm
Texture of seed surface
Lisse | Smooth
Toughness of skin around segments
Résistante | Tough
Uniformity of color of pulp
Uniforme | Uniform


Collection Nationale Citrus (National collection)
French National Citrus Collection (National collection)