Germplasm: Mandarine Parson Special

Citrus fruits BRC


Germplasm name
Mandarine Parson Special
Accession number
SRA 294


Stock center name
Presence status


Institute Accession number Distribution status
UE Citrus SRA 294 Available with restrictions

Evaluation Data

Adherence of epicarp to mesocarp
Nulle | Null
Adherence of segments to each other
Légère | Slight
Average number of seeds per fruit
20 - 49 | 20 - 49
Color of mesocarp
Blanc | White
Color of open flower
Blanche | White
Color of pulp
Orange | Orange
Cotyledon color
Vert clair | Light green
Cross-section of axis
Irrégulière | Irregular
Diameter of fruit axis
Embryo color
Sans | Absent
Epicarp color
Orange | Orange
Fruit axis
Creux | Hollow
Fruit diameter
40 - 59 mm | 40 - 59 mm
Fruit height
40 - 59 mm | 40 - 59 mm
Fruit shape
Aplatie | Oblate
Fruit weight
60 - 124 g | 60 - 124 g
Fruiting season
Sans | None
Juice in endocarp
Nature of oil glands
Peu voyante | Inconspicuous
Number of segments per fruit
5 - 9 | 5 - 9
Oil in pulp
Rares | Few
Petiole wings
Sans | Absent
Presence of areola
Citrange Troyer | Troyer citrange
Seeds color
Crème | Cream
Segment shape
Irréguliers | Irregular
Shape of apex of fruit
Déprimé | Depressed
Shape of base of fruit
Concave | Concave
Shape of petiole wings
Sans | Absent
Shape of seeds
Ovoïde | Ovoid
Shape of spines
Absente | Absent
Shape of vesicles
Mince | Thin
Size of vesicles
Petite | Small
Stylar scar
Fermée | Closed
Surface of epicarp
Autre | Other
Texture of pulp
Aisément séparable | Easily tear
Texture of seed surface
Lisse | Smooth
Thickness of mesocarp
Toughness of skin around segments
Résistante | Tough
Uniformity of color of pulp
Uniforme | Uniform
Width of epicarp at equatorial area


Collection Nationale Citrus (National collection)
French National Citrus Collection (National collection)