Germplasm: TM7MB1-3

Small grain cereals BRC


Germplasm name
Accession number
Accession synonyms
Biological status
Breeder's material
Ae. ventricosa/T. turgidum//2*MOISSON/3/COURTOT
Origin site


Stock center name
Presence status


Institute name Institute code Donation date Accession number Accession PUI
IGEPP - UMR Institut de Génétique, Environnement et Protection des Plantes, Site du Rheu FRA010 19840000 84047


Institute Accession number Distribution status
GDEC - UMR Génétique, Diversité et Ecophysiologie des Céréales 6968 Available from Multilateral System (MLS)

Evaluation Data

Days to heading (in day-degree)
Growth class
spring | printemps
Plant height (cm)
96 cm
Scale of 1000 kernels weight
intermediate | moyen - 2002
Scale of glume colour (IPGRI 4.2.4)
white yellow | blanc jaune - 2002
Scale of glume hairiness (IPGRI 4.2.5)
sparse | éparse - 2002
Scale of grain colour (IPGRI 4.3.1)
dark brown/dark red | marron foncé/rouge foncé - 2002
Scale of plant height (IPGRI 4.1.2)
intermediate to high | moyen à haut
Scale of spike density (IPGRI 4.2.2)
low/sparse | faible/lache - 2002
Susceptibility to leaf blotch - Septoria tritici (CTPS)
moderately susceptible to little susceptible | assez sensible à peu sensible - 2010
Susceptibility to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) (CTPS)
resistant | résistant - 2010
Susceptibility to lodging intensity (CTPS)
moderately resistant | assez résistant
Susceptibility to powdery mildew - Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici (CTPS)
resistant | résistant - 2010
Susceptibility to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) (CTPS)
moderately resistant | assez résistant - 2010
Wheat awnedness (IPGRI 4.2.3)
awnless to very short awnlettes on upper part of spike | non barbu ou très petites barbes sur la partie supérieure de l'épi - 2002


AEGIS (Reference collection)
Collection blé INRA (INRAE collection)
Collection blé tendre FAO (Reference collection)
Soft wheat FAO collection (Reference collection)
Wheat INRA collection (INRAE collection)